Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Asparagus Soup

Status: Vegetarian. Vegan potential.
Mood: It's cold outside. You want soup. Green soup.
Labor: Minimal/Moderate
Prep Time: 30 minutes

  • 1 pound asparagus
  • 1 onion
  • 1 3/4 cup vegetable broth
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup yogurt
  • 1 squeeze of lime or lemon
  • fresh Parmesan
Le Process:

  1. Chop off ends of asparagus, then chop into roughly smaller pieces. Chop onion. Put asparagus, onion, and 1/2 cup vegetable broth in a pot and heat until vegetables become vaguely soft.
  2. Put mixture in a food processor, puree until smooth. Then add butter & flour; puree again until smooth.
  3. Pour mixture back into pot, turn the heat back on. Add the rest of the vegetable broth, milk. Whisk in yogurt. Allow to cook for a short while longer. Pour into bowls.
  4. Grate the Parmesan, sprinkle on top--liberally for more flavor (and fat), conservatively for less.

I ripped this recipe from online and changed a few things--it said to use soy milk and I used regular, it called for lemon and we only had a lime, and it was more particular about the butter & flour step, while I ended up just processing it with the asparagus mixture. For a soup, this involved very little labor, few steps, and it still tasted lovely.

1 comment:

Marla ji said...

Ooo, pretty and green! I'll have to try this, vegan stylee. But I just finished off some soy yogurt I got a while ago for another recipe and I don't by the stuff regularly/ever. Yargg.

Ah, I have no produce or food to create a recipe yet! Perhaps this weekend when I get a chance to go to the farmer's market and have the energy to cook between studying for four exams, I'll consume something other than two week old leftovers.